Bold and Beautiful Bouquet
This gorgeous hand-tied bouquet is perfect for any occasion. Stargazer lilies, red roses, red alstroemeria, red gerbera daisies and accented with mixed greens and misty blue wax flowers.
Send this delightful arrangement to someone special today!
This product is a hand-tied bouquet. If you wish to include a vase with this arrangement please select the Vase from the above product addons.
24 inch H, 16 inch W, allaround
Sometimes substitutions are necessary.
Harry’s Flowers delivers full value in all its bouquets. On rare occasions, substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner.
We may need to substitute flowers and/or colours with others of equal or greater value. If the container is not available, we will provide a similar container. See “Substitution Policy” link on this page. Our final arrangements will be beautiful and have a theme consistent with the selected arrangement.
Still looking for the perfect Floral Arrangement:
Would you like a custom arrangement with your favourite flowers or in your favourite colours? Give Harry's Flowers a call at (250) 598 3911.
Bold and Beautiful Bouquet
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